Five For Him

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In the beginning... | Devotions, Genesis | Five For Him

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In the beginning...


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. -Gen 1:1

Before there was anything there was God. He created all things. The air that we breathe, the water we drink, the sunshine we enjoy, all these things were created by God for us to enjoy. (1 Timothy 6.17) It is so easy as young Christians to get so caught up in the everyday routine of life that we fail to recognize the beauty and blessing that is our surroundings.

Question: What little things such as the above do you fail to appreciate and thank God for everyday?

Question: How can you change the way you view your surroundings to be more aware of the miracle that is creation?

Mission: Take a note today to notice three things that the Lord has given you that you wouldn't normally give any attention to.

Dear Lord, thank you for creating all things just for me! I am sorry for not noticing all the wonderful things that you daily place in my path. Help me to be mindful of the creation that glorifies you by its very existence.

Devotions © 2009 Five for Him and Zachariah Turpin
Reproduction in part or in entirety is prohibited unless written consent from the author is obtained.

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